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Heaveyweight contender and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ















Make Me Like Jesus
   Dedications Page

Soon after the Lord had first given Bishop Charley the vision for Make Me Like Jesus, we were in revival in Port Orchard, Washington, where it was presented for the first time in this area.  Cherry Ingram was diagnosed with cancer, as well as her little grandson.  She had believed so much in the Ministry and vision of Make Me Like Jesus, that she invested in this Ministry, having her little grandson in mind who was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The Lord healed her grandson, but chose to take Cherry home on December 7th, 2000.  After she had caught the vision, so did her sister, Jenell Cross, who was very close to her sister, and wanted to invest in this ministry and the vision of it as well.  When Cherry went home to be with the Lord, Jenell had missed her sister and best friend so much, and Jenell was neither married or had any children.  Ten days later, on December 17th, 2000, Jenell went home to be with the Lord and her sister.

These ladies believed in this powerful prayer, Make Me Like Jesus.  They inspired us more than anyone ever could have.  And the investment they made enabled us with a computer, printers, etc. and everything we needed to make this Ministry a success.  Without their encouragement we just don't know if it could have taken off the way it has.  There were times when we began to wonder if it was going to happen.  We had some nay sayers, and scoffers, and those who told us not to pursue it so hard.  But it was in our heart just like Jeremiah had experienced, and it was like a burning fire shut up in our bones, and we could not stay.  We knew the Lord had placed this word in us and we had to take it to the world.  Cherry and Jenell knew that too, and we believe they are celebrating today because of the success this prayer is having.  So we say, "Thank-you", to them and their family, and this is dedicated to two courageous women who believe in a vision and a prayer for their loved ones which says to our Heavenly Father,


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